How Does Gratitude Improve Your Health, Wellness, and Wellbeing?

The power of gratitude should never be underestimated

Passive gratitude is all well and good – but it’s not conducive to improving your overall mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Active gratitude, on the other hand, is.

How does that work?

Your health starts in your head

Most people, thinking about health and being healthy, immediately go to the body.

Mental, emotional, and spiritual health, wellness, and wellbeing are intangible. You can’t see a bloated emotional response, a malnourished spiritual sense, or an aged and outdated mental perspective. Not, of course, unless it’s within yourself. When you’re mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually unwell, in time it will manifest itself physically.

Applying gratitude for your health

things to be grateful for.

Active gratitude is an empowerment tool. When you’re actively grateful, you open channels of positivity that directly impact your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. That trickles down to your physical health.

Genuine gratitude is ALWAYS positive. ALWAYS. Expressing genuine thanks for this, that, or the other thing – no matter its size – is positive. Both giving and receiving real, honest, and earnest gratitude empower you positively.

When you actively seek out things to be grateful for and give thanks for, you’re performing an act that will positively impact your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. That, in turn, will better your overall wellness and wellbeing.

Gratitude is more than saying thank you

Gratitude starts with the words “thank you.” When somebody gives you thanks, and it’s utterly honest, you feel good about it.

Want to be healthier? Actively give more gratitude. Pause and see what you have and say thank you for it. Don’t just say it, feel it. Let that feeling wash deeper into your psyche and see how that positively impacts your health, wellness, and wellbeing.

Gratitude is a powerful key to better health, wellness, and wellbeing. When you’re grateful for what you have, here and now, no matter how seemingly insignificant, you empower yourself in some amazing ways.

This week’s Applied Guidance for Mindfulness Tool:

I’ve offered this same tool in the past – but with a different approach.

Every morning, at the start of your day, just after getting out of bed, please take a moment to write down 5 things you’re grateful for. Write them down/type them out like this, please:

I am so grateful (or thankful) for (this, that, or the other tangible or intangible thing).

Number them from 1-5.

Read each aloud and pause a moment to soak it in. Feel the gratitude.

At the end of the day, before you go to bed, reread them. Again, pause after each and feel the gratitude.

Note what this small, twice-daily act does for your overall health, wellness, and wellbeing.


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