You might get broken, but you won’t be beaten

The modern world is obsessed with extremes. So many things are viewed as either/or, rather than the far vaster middle between them. It’s all black or white, never mind the shades of grey and myriad of colors between the opposite poles.

One Size Fits All never fits all. Yet you’re constantly bombarded by messages to conform, to find your accepted place in society, and to be a cog in the machine.

When it comes to your mental, emotional, and spiritual health, wellness, and wellbeing, lots of things might break you along the way.

Nobody teaches you any better

You’re taught throughout your youth to care for your body in numerous ways. Diet, exercise, dental care, hair and skin care, all of these get tons of focus and you’re taught to mind them. This is not true of your intangible, other elements of your being, however.

Thus, stress, fear, anxiety, depression, and uncertainty are invisible illnesses that silently attack the physical via the mental, emotional, and spiritual. This can become quickly overwhelming, especially if you fall for the messages of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency, then turn outwards to solve these matters.

However, the first step to any healing when you’re broken starts within.

It’s all about mindfulness and choice

You have more power than you probably realize.

When you get broken physically, fixing the damage is usually direct. Mental, emotional, and spiritual damage is another matter. There is no One True Way for everyone, with one exception. Active conscious awareness, i.e., mindfulness.

Mindfulness practice of this sort begins with becoming consciously aware of what you’re thinking, what and how you’re feeling, what your intentions are, the positivity or negativity of your life approach, and what you are or aren’t doing.

So, you might (and let’s face it, most probably will) get broken in one or more of the elements of your health, wellness, and wellbeing along the way. However, you won’t be beaten unless you allow yourself to be.

Broken but not beaten is a choice

Some challenges will feel insurmountable in this life. So long as you are here, drawing breath, and capable of independent thought, feeling, action, and intention, you won’t be beaten. Unless you allow yourself to be.

Everyone gets broken along the way. That’s the nature of the human condition. So long as you live, you can recover.

There are always resources to help you heal. No matter how you’re broken – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – something is available to you to aid your recovery.

When you get broken you are not beaten unless you allow yourself to be. Unconditionally, you are worthy and deserving of making choices and decisions to heal on any and all levels necessary.

This week’s Applied Guidance for Mindfulness Tool:

Think back on a previous experience that broke you. Were you broken physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or in multiple ways?

How did you recover? What did you do to help that? Did you take steps to aid your recovery?

Write it all down and keep it handy so that, the next time you’re broken, you’ll see that you’ve been broken – but not beaten - before, and can do it again.


S5 Ep7: How Do Choices and Decisions Tie Into Self-Awareness?


S5 Ep5: What Does it Mean to Enter The Void or The Flow State