Marketing Outliers and Defining Tattoos Not Brands with Clint White

Listen to Nova chat with Clint White – founder of Tattoos Not Brands, Inc. Cranes NY Business top Entrepreneur. He has 30 years of proven results in audience reach maximization and impact in industries including eCommerce, fashion, food, hospitality, and more. Social Impact Summit at UN award winner, advisor, angel investor, and co-founder.

Tattoos Not Brands the Book

Tattoos Not Brands the Podcast

Nova asks Clint what his why is. He says it’s because it’s the only thing he truly knows. As the quiet one (to watch out for) he’s hyper-observant, which goes with marketing. He gets into how there are only about 100 true brands exist, and the other outliers need to learn new marketing approaches.

Clint talks about STL – Skills, Timing, and Luck – that have to be aligned. He also goes into certain myopic practices.

Clint talks about the marketing mix – what he calls the “Four ‘P’s”:

·         Price

·         Product

·         Placement

·         Promotion

Taking the mic

Clint asks Nova about how fashion, blockchain, and the metaverse combine and what should people look out for in regards to that. Nova goes into detail with her thoughts on that topic. She goes into fast fashion, supply chain, blockchain, smart contracts, and the metaverse as a three-dimensional space and a new immersive, social environment online.

Nova and Clint conclude by talking about the future of advertising, brands versus tattoos, and changes already here and coming soon that will impact it all.

What is your why?






Tattoos Not Brands




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