The Paradox of Choice - Red Pill Or Blue Pill?

I’m terrible at deciding what to order. Or deciding where to eat. Or which book to pick for a weekend read. These may sound like trivial dilemmas, but imagine a similar feeling of irresolution spilling into major life milestones — like deciding what career to pursue. To settle down in a job you love or pursue a challenging new arena? This categorically sounds like a “hard” decision, one which may determine the trajectory of one’s life.

But what makes some decisions easy, and others, hard? Why is it that rational thinking is needed for one category, and the gut suffices for the other?

Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still, perhaps too hard.

The Blockbuster Scene from the Movie Matrix has a lot to teach us! Tune In!

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